Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Textured Clay Birds

First graders made these super-cute clay birds.  We learned all about texture and used different fabrics, stamps, and found objects to press into the clay to give it unique texture.
Kids learned all about slipping and scoring to attach a wing and eyes and a mouth/beak.  If you don't slip and score your clay, your wing, eyes and beak will fall off! 
I poked the holes for the hanger and the legs when they were done.  After the clay had been fired once (bisqued), we used florescent oil pastels to color them.  The kids watched as I dipped each bird into a bucket of watered down black india ink.  There were many 'ohh's and ahhh's' as the ink filled in all the white spots on their birds. We learned that the oil pastels colors resist the watery ink.  After they dried, we use pipe cleaners to make a hanger and feet for our birds.

To make a home for our birds we made a tree! Kindergarteners were in the middle of a unit on color, so some classes mixed up green paint and made the leaves on the tree for the birds.  We experimented with adding white and black (tints and shades) to our greens.  Some Kindergartners made tints and shades of blue for our raindrops.  Here is our tree:

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