Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Printed Butterflies

Second grade kiddos made these amazing butterflies after learning a bit about the Monarch, the king of all butterflies.  We learned that monarchs migrate to Mexico for the winter, and because of climate change, over-forestation, and icky pesticides many Monarchs are dying.  Knowledge is power, and we made these to celebrate the beauty of butterflies, and also to let people know about this issue.  
In making these we also learned a bit about symmetry and a LOT about printing.  We used really watery tempera paint to paint one side of our butterfly. We folded our papers to print the lines as we painted.  After they dried we reviewed analogous colors and talked about blending.  We used chalk pastels to color them, trying to keep our butterflies symmetrical. Thank you Cassie Stephens for the inspiration for this project!

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