Thursday, April 7, 2016

Magritte Eyes

Third graders learned about Magritte and surrealism.  We read these books to learn a bit about them:

The book 'If', by Sarah Perry, is a great one to introduce the concept of surrealism to kids.  Each page poses one surrealistic idea like,  'If fish were leaves'  and is accompanied by incredible illustrations. I had the kiddos write their own 'if's' and illustrate them as an intro.  Next we looked at many paintings by Magritte and Dali.  We read 'Dinner at Magritte's' and the Mike Venezia biography of Magritte.
Here are some of the paintings and sculptures we looked at:

Using Magritte's painting, 'The False Mirror' as inspiration we chose a piece of patterned paper to make the iris of our own surreal eyes. Using mirrors we drew our own eyes and we practiced shading with oil pastels.  Our eyes:

(and then there was this awesome one:)

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