Friday, January 29, 2016

Recycled Material Sculpture

I've been collecting paper towel rolls and egg cartons since the beginning of the year with no real project in mind for them, but earlier this month I was about to go art-teacher-crazy with how much they had overtaken the supply closet! Instead of taking a trip to the art-teacher nut farm I decided it was time to use up these materials. Second graders practiced balance with some yoga poses (warrior and tree) and we talked about what was easier to balance in and why.  After some exploration with the materials (I always do this, getting the tactile experience with the materials before creating always makes for more creative art work) we looked at how artists can play with balance.

We took two days to glue everything down, making sure to look at our sculptures from every angle and try to make them interesting from all sides.  Then we painted them with metallic colors.

Here they are on display:

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