Saturday, January 23, 2016

 Collograph Prints!

This project was inspired by this post from Thomas Elementary Art. I've really been excited about printing lately! Almost all of my classes are in the throes of a printing project right now. Third graders made collograph prints of quotes that inspire them.  We made our printing plates by cutting out letters from craft foam and gluing them 'mirror image' onto cardboard plates.

These are our printing plates:

Kiddos were really engaged during this project!  The hardest part for them was cutting out the little bits out of the middle of letters.  After showing kids how to fold the foam and cut a little slit to get your scissors in, they were off! We cut all our letters out first, storing them in baggies until all the letters were ready.  Using mirrors to check our work, we reversed all our letters, making sure to go from right to left.  We had a partner check our work before we began to glue. 

On printing day I made sure to have everything neatly laid out and organized.  The more organized and prepared you are for printing the neater the prints are and the less hair you have to pull out of your head during printing :)

Here are our prints on display:

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